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I’m a writer with 15+ years of experience in digital and print media. My background is in journalism, but the advertising life caught me for good after moving to the UK over three years ago. I’m happiest when I’m learning and, in this role, I learn a lot every day.
8:55am: I go to my kitchen to make my first cup of coffee. The first one is with no milk for the much-needed coffee boost.
9:00am: I log in, and the first thing to do is open my Teams to say good morning to the gang. As a remote collaborator, this is my main way to interact with them. Something is always happening in our channel, so my FOMO is not so bad. It also helps that I’m not the only remote in the team and that my co-workers are not always in the office at the same time. Thanks, hybrid work policy!
While someone brings up the first topic of the day, which can be from the dinner they had last night to anything that happened to them on their way to the office, I check my calendar to make a mental note of my calls. Today I have three.
Then I read my emails and reply to anything I didn’t respond to the day before. Since I took our Full Focus training, I check and reply to emails in blocks. First thing in the morning, before and after the lunch break, and before login off for the day. Some emails need immediate attention, but this system helps you keep focus and prioritise.
9:30am: I always have the priorities for the week in mind, but to make sure, I check my workload. It is Thursday, which means the first thing to do is workload planning for next week. I check our team’s content plan and the work requests we have, and I start assigning hours for tasks to writers.
10:00am: Time for our weekly call with the whole company. Almost 300 people join every week. We welcome new joiners, get updates, shout-outs, and learn about a different area of the business. All in under 30 minutes. I love to know what is happening outside my team.
10:30am: Now is time for a quick project catch-up. The PM, Content Lead, and Country Managers meet every two weeks to review the quarter’s content plan.
I’m the Country Manager for Spain, which means I create the content plan for this market. After the client signs it off, I brief the pages to the writers. When these are ready, a colleague proofs them, and I edit them and upload them to the CMS (Content Management System). The call is to give an update on the progression of this process or raise any concerns.
10:45am: Quick coffee break. Second cup of the day, this time with oat milk. And then, I start briefing some content. I like to do this in the first half of the day to send the briefs to the writers as soon as possible. As a writer, I know every minute counts, so I like to give them as much time as possible.
Today I’m writing briefs for the content optimisation of some pages for a client. I like to write very detailed briefs to ensure I will get back exactly what I envision for these pages. So, this involves keyword research and a lot of research on the location we will write about. Learning about a variety of places is fun, but when I finish, I always want to book a holiday.
12:45pm: I already sent the briefs. So before dragging myself out of the house for a 20-minute walk, I check my email again.
I come home to have lunch and to a nice surprise. A few weeks ago, it was Yorkshire Day, and the co-workers in the office celebrated with a tea party. The head of our team sent us (me and other remote colleagues) a cute notepad and a pin in the mail to commemorate the day 😊.
1:45pm: I prepare my last cup of coffee of the day to go with my custard cream and get ready to edit some pages. This time is for a different client. As an ex-journalist, my favourite bit is fact-checking and ensuring all the content is well-referenced and verified.
3:30pm: Last call of the day, this time with my immediate team, the International Content Team. Our team lead gives us client and general updates. And, as we often work on the same tasks but for our respective markets, it’s also helpful to discuss the challenges we may be experiencing and share knowledge and tips to overcome them. This is one of the things I like the most in my team, sharing different points of view and coming up with the best way to do our job. Even if it’s different languages, the processes are the same.
Sometimes we even have quick team-building activities. For the last one, we had to send a photo of a piece of artwork hung in our home. We looked at them in the call and had to say who owns which. A great way to break the afternoon before the last push of the day.
4:00pm: I finish the day with keyword localisation and research for a new client. I love having the opportunity to work in my native language, Spanish.
5:15 - 5:30pm: Almost time to log off for the day, so I start all the admin bits I need to process: filling in my time sheets, plus reading, replying, and sending emails. I update my to-do list for tomorrow and look at my calendar for the next day. My day ends the same way it began - chatting with my team. I then wish everyone a lovely evening, a little ritual I follow before leaving the office.